sometimes I write about whatever I want.

Corona Diary, Week 5

April 13th, 2020

Well this diary is really getting boring. I mean, it started out pretty boring, but it’s getting even boringer.

Today, though, I have some exciting news! My wife and I both forgot it’s our anniversary! Luckily I have a reminder on my phone, because that’s really the only way I remember anything these days. We’ve been married 18 years, and we’ve been together more than 25. Also, I walked the dog and then jumped rope for a while to get some exercise.

This is the first week of “real” school for my son. He’ll start his third-trimester classes and his work will be graded. All of the classes for the rest of the year are pass/fail, in an attempt to equalize things somewhat because kids all have different access to technology and other stuff. I think it’s a very reasonable idea.

I started the process for making more sourdough bread this evening. Is it ok to bake bread during Passover? Probably not.

April 14th, 2020

I jogged again this morning. Still not a lot of jogging, but more than none. I wonder if I’ll get any better at it.

My sourdough is coming along much better than last time. I’m looking forward to the final product. I think it might be ready for dinner tonight. Or not. I guess we’ll see.


My fellow musicians and I are trying to up our game with remote collaboration. We haven’t gotten very far. But I’m hopeful.

We did another Phish Dinner and a Movie. And it was another great show. The dinner was a three course meal, to go along with the three-set show. My wife made the appetizer and the main course, but skipped the dessert. And we forgot to eat the appetizer.

April 15th, 2020

It would be tax day, if tax day wasn’t postponed due to the world limping along these days. I jumped rope this morning, then went for a walk before work.

These entries continue to be so exciting, I don’t know how my loyal readers can wait til the next post! Oh wait, yes I do. Quarantine life is really not that exciting, but all things considered, I have it pretty good. We have lots of space, lots of food, and a rich “social” life. And I still have a job. So there.

April 16th, 2020

I got up this morning, found one of my cats (the younger one) attacking my other cat (the old one) - just sitting on top of him and beating on him - and I didn’t like it so I pulled the aggressor off and in the process I somehow got some pretty good slashes across my palm. My first thought was that we currently have a don’t-do-anything-that’ll-need-a-hospital-visit policy, which I suppose might include a bad gash across my palm. The last time I cut my hand, I was chopping scallions and I took off a piece of my fingertip, and I did end up at urgent care, where they did not take very good care of my fingertip, which is why my left index finger is narrower and pointier than my right. Luckily the palm-gashes, while long, are very shallow. So I bandaged up and went about my business.

I live near a cemetery that’s on a pretty steep hill, and i ran up it a couple of times. I’m liking the morning exercise thing, and I really hope I keep it up.

During my lunch break, I moved my office around so I’m not so much in my wife’s way, if she decides to use the craft room. I thought about moving into my son’s bedroom, because he’s sleeping in the guest room during the apocalypse, but I was surprised to discover that it’s a freakin’ mess and smells like teenage boy. So I’m just in a different part of the craft room, on a wobbly desk that shakes when I type or move the mouse.


We got half a pig delivered today. Well, almost half - the bacon and ham and some of the sausage won’t be here for a while. I’m planning on smoking a roast this weekend, should be good!

April 17th, 2020

Well, it’s Friday. I ran up the cemetery hill twice again this morning. My wife took my son out to the friend/family farm to do some work. I’m told there are two baby goats out there, that are about 2 or 3 days old, with more on the way. They’re probably cute :)

April 18th and 19th, 2020

I didn’t write anything over the weekend. You missed a lot. Cuz my life is so exciting these days.

Actually, two more baby goats were born at the farm, and we went out and met them. They are pretty freaking cute! And the other two babies, who are maybe 4 days old, are much bigger but also cute! And I looked at some pictures of my son from when he was a baby, and he was cute!

My wife and I are plowing through Succession on HBO. It’s really good. Pretty much all the characters are horrible people and I can’t relate to any of them. But somehow, the show’s still great.

See how exciting my life is?

Corona Diary, Week 6

Corona Diary, Week 4