sometimes I write about whatever I want.

The name is the hardest part, part 2

Well this is weird. Remember my first-ever I Hate Cheesecake blog post? The one that I finished writing just a few minutes ago? Remember that it was mostly about naming things? And remember that my band is currently trying to come up with a name, but we're having a really hard time?

Well guess what? While I was putting the finishing touches on that first-ever I Hate Cheesecake blog post, my phone was buzzing in my pocket. A lot. This isn't all that unusual because I'm on a few ongoing group texts, and sometimes they blow up. Also, sometimes my brother sends a whole bunch of texts in immediate succession, which drives me crazy, cuz why not just send one text, so my pocket only buzzes once?

Anyway, my pocket was buzzing and buzzing. So after I hit my first-ever "SAVE & PUBLISH," I checked my phone to see what was so important. And here's what I found:

* My family and I are invited to hang out with some friends tomorrow evening.

* My brother and his two sons were out to breakfast at 2:19pm and judging from the photo, I think they all got some kind of eggs Benedict.

* We picked a name for my band! We're gonna call it Waiting on Kraken. At least, that's what the text says. I need to be a bit cautious here, because we've "picked" names before. They just haven't stuck. For a while, we called ourselves Juice, but then we didn't anymore. Then we were gonna call ourselves Professor and the Mary Anns, but there's already a band in Missouri called The Professors and MaryAnn. Our idea is better, though, because we don't actually have a professor and we also don't have any Mary Anns. That other band probably has real professors and a real MaryAnn (maybe, I don't really know that, but it makes me feel better for some reason). I suggested Three Orange Whips, which I thought was really clever because there are four of us. But there's already a band with that name, too. As far as I can tell from their Facebook page, there are six people in that band. Six! Pfft.. And guess where they are? That's right - Missouri.

So maybe we're gonna be Waiting on Kraken. And here's the thing - most people pronounce Kraken with a short a, like crack-in. But we pronounce it with a long a, like crake-in. So there.



Still waiting... on Kraken

The name is the hardest part